Paintings from Coogee
Olsen Irwin, Sydney
26 August - 13 September 2015

Paintings from Coogee 

Over the past decade or so, Alan Jones has been interested in ideas that surround notions of identity, as ‘people and place’ have become reoccurring themes in his work.

In 2014, Jones and his young family moved to Coogee. Jones chooses to take a personal approach to subject matter. In ‘Paintings from Coogee’, he has chosen to use Coogee beach and the parkland of Dunningham Reserve at north Coogee as the starting point and inspiration for this new series of paintings. His unique self-portraits suggest a time for personal reflection whilst simultaneously inviting the viewer to bring their own perspective to the painting. Self-portraits can be seen in the forms of two small black and white heads -  textured craniums poised above the landscape, the artist placing himself into his environment.


Butt Naked Salon II


Album Paintings