Q&A: The Beast

The Beast

August 2023, Issue 223

Local Artist… Alan Jones from Coogee

Interview James Hutton
Photo Daniel Shipp

Coogee artist Alan Jones is the talent behind this month’s moody cover painting of Coogee’s Dunningham Reserve. He shares his local favourites with The Beast...

How long have you lived here? We moved to Coogee from Bondi 10 years ago. Once our son came along, we needed a bigger place, and we liked the Coogee family vibe. There's a real sense of community here and we've met some great people.

What's your favourite beach? If I’m looking for waves, I’ll head to Bondi. If I want to go snorkelling with the family, then it's definitely Coogee.

What's your favourite eatery? Bar Zura for brunch and Four Frogs Creperie at The Spot for an early dinner never disappoint. 

Where do you like to have a drink? I'm not much of a drinker, however the Coogee Wine Room always has that gorgeous, cozy feel. And it’s just cross the road from Gusto, for my must-have morning coffee.

Best thing about the Eastern Suburbs? Living close to the beach during summer when the days are long. I typically get home from work at 6pm, be in the water by 6.10pm for a quick swim, and then home cooking dinner by 6.30pm. Love it!

How would you describe your art? My work is largely autobiographical; I like to paint people, places and things I have some personal connection to. This way, my exhibitions can be read as a ‘visual diary’. Some people feel their own visual diary relates to mine. Others simply like to come along for the ride. 

Where can people see your work? The Olsen Gallery in Woollahra represent my work www.olsengallery.com

Who are your artistic inspirations? Inspiration for me comes from anyone who is willing to go out of their comfort zone and put their heart on their sleeve and have a go. Inspiration is all about having the right attitude. 

What are you working on at the moment?  I'm currently working on a series of small-scale landscape paintings that look at the area around Coopers Shoot in the Northern Rivers. It's a special place I’ve been escaping to with my family over the last few years. The exhibition, Paintings from Coopers Shoot, will run from August 2-26 at Olsen Gallery, 63 Jersey Road, Woollahra.

When did you discover you had a gift for your craft? From around the age of nine. As a kid, drawing, creating characters from my imagination and making things out of wood was always my happy place. 

Any other local artists to look out for? Our good friend Laura Jones lives just up the road. Laura has been killing it in the studio. Her painting of actor Claudia Karvan was in this year’s Archibald Prize. 

Did you study art? In 2000 I graduated from the National Art School (BFA). Then in 2004 I worked in Paris on a Brett Whitely Travelling Art Scholarship. 

Any words of wisdom for young aspiring artists? Have fun. Experiment. Explore everything. Be persistent. Be patient. Keep going. 

Do you have a favourite sporting team? We follow the Swans. In 2014 I painted Adam Goodes’ portrait for the Archibald. That was definitely a career highlight. 

What music are you into at the moment? I recently rediscovered the 1996 soundtrack to William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet, directed by Baz Luhrmann. I forgot what a great soundtrack it is.   

Who is your favourite person? In 2022 I judged the Remagine Art Prize, and Professor Veena Sahajwalla (2022 NSW Australian of the Year) was our guest speaker at the opening. Listening to Veena talk about her work and achievements in recycling and the building industry was truly inspiring.

What do you get up to on the weekends? For the last few months I’ve been working everyday preparing for my August exhibition. When I’m not working, the walk from Coogee to Bondi is definitely a massage for my soul.

What do you do for work? I work for myself as a visual artist. Art and ideas are my passion, and anyone who makes their living from their passion has the key to happiness. 

Do you have a favourite quote? “Every day is a school day”. I’m not sure who came up with this one first, but they were spot-on.

Any other words of wisdom for readers of The Beast? Follow your passion and be kind to your mum.

Alan Daniel Jones

Alan Daniel Jones is an Australian contemporary visual artist. In 2000, Jones gained his Bachelor of Fine Arts from the National Art School in Sydney before furthering his education abroad as a recipient of the 2004 Brett Whiteley Travelling Art Scholarship. Jones's work has won multiple awards and has been exhibited throughout Australia, the UK, and Asia.


Paintings from Coopers Shoot catalogue foreword


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